
The Miracle Route. Article shared through Mount Baker Experience

“This one is stout,” he said as he placed his trekking poles at shoulder height and pulled himself straight up a four-foot ledge. I blurted a laugh, “If Jeff is calling something ‘stout’ I’m intimidated as hell.” Turns out my intimidation was validated. The slope required leaning forward to counter the weight of my backpack, which would have pulled me off the slope. Putting my nose over my toes, as I learned in my earlier rock climbing days, and depending heavily on my poles and the traction of my Vasque Trailbender shoes to cling to the hillside, much like a cat to curtains, I clawed, the steepest steps of my life. Once again, I found Jeff sitting perched on a stump, this time in the shade.

Read more on Mount Baker Experience’s site.

Personal Note:

It was such a pleasure to work with Oliver Lazenby, the editor at Mount Baker Experience. This project has been in the works for over a year! His communication, editing and having this final product is a special way to capture the memories from that most amazing experience with three incredible individuals that I also get to call friends.