
Smoothie Options

Every day during my WFR course I concocted a different collection of ingredients for a yummy, calorically dense smoothie.  You can get an idea from the following (starred  “*” ingredients being my favorites and guaranteed daily inclusions.)  I’m not much for measuring, so the following are estimates of my dumping ingredients into the Vitamix.


Always in:

* 1 frozen banana

* about a thumb sized peeled & chopped piece of raw ginger (chopping into chunks is key so you don’t get the stringy pieces)

* two handfuls of burly greens (kale, chard, collard greens, spinach)

* 4 mejool dates

* 1 heaping tsp Maca powder

* 2 T 7 Sources Oil (more like 2 good “glugs” pouring straight into the blender)

Sometimes in:

1-2 carrots

2 T peanut butter

1 scoop protein powder

½ cup juice

½ cup homemade almond milk (this is easy! I’ll post a how to on that too)

Additional fruit combos:

1 C frozen blueberries

1 peeled orange and 1 peeled lemon

1 cored pear

… basically whatever I had in the basket