The group is definitely feeling the days adding up. Not moving all that fast and the terrain doesn't help. It is gorgeous & challenging & Simon is keeping everyone laughing so it is all good. My body is weary & I can tell I'm dipping into the reserves a bit to get this done. Still psyched to be here and have this experience. I think I am going to hire a guide to take me up Kili for my birthday. We won't make the top but I would like to see how high I can get & scout the route a bit. Dinner was brown rice, peanut sauce with chicken, fish, broccoli and cauliflower & fruit salad four dessert. I sat around with Andrew after dinner to chat a bit about films and moving making from the adventure side.
I've been waking right at 6 the last couple of mornings. There has formed a routine to packing up my belongings from the tent, getting dressed, running for the bathroom, making my way to breakfast, etc, etc. This morning Andrew did an interview and I felt a bit off/brain-dead. Like I couldn't really wake up. Hopefully he got a couple of good sound bites. We had to drive nearly 2 hours to get back to our point so we didn't start running until almost 11am. With such a late start and everyone moving slow we still were pushing day light and ran in with headlamps. Only one day to go...
We came back through the Kilimanjaro Mtn. View Lodge and took a descent break there. It was pretty cool to check it out from below and make the climb all the way up. Time hasn't even been a thought out here. Knees are getting sore, but I am surprised how well they have held up considering the descents - technical and super steep - that we have done. Last day and finishing party tomorrow!
Start: 10:44am Run: 8:05:49 Climb: 6224
Descent: 5965 High Point: 6447 Low Point: 4629